Five Magazines for the Aspiring Photographer

Blue House
4 min readSep 25, 2020

Are you looking to gain some inspiration from new photography publications? Thinking about submitting some recent projects? Photography magazines are a great way to start.

Now a days, virtually all magazines have been digitalized — thanks to social media! This means that many of them can be accessed via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, along with through their print issues. By following your favorite photography publications on different platforms, not only will you receive a flood of inspiration — you will also be emerged into a community of other photographer!

Here, I have comprised a list of five photography magazines that are sure to keep you curious, passionate, and excited about your art.

Left: Valeria Cherchi, Right: Lev Fazio

1) YET Magazine

YET Magazine is a Swiss based publication that highlights international contemporary photography. YET features emerging artists and recognized photographers from around the globe, giving YET its diversity.

YET Magazine’s driving goal is to display a photographer’s work exactly as it is: meaning no extra commentary insertions or post-editing. They show “the image”, beginning with the photography itself.

Their social media platforms are extremely engaging. Thought provoking questions relating to photography and all of its processes foster a community where artists can share experiences, values, and tips!

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Left: Jacob Jonas The Company, Right: Austin Denny

2) Somewhere

Somewhere is a London-based online lifestyle magazine which focuses on photography, fashion, film, travel, and design. Although Somewhere displays work from all kinds of artists, their instagram is carefully curated and does not take submissions.

However, Somewhere’s photography posts are usually commentary-based articles on stories, documentary projects, and books. Along with reporting on new projects, Somewhere includes personal interviews with highly regarded artists within the community. Because of this, Somewhere is a great destination for inspiration and technique.

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Left: Maksym Hanhalo, Right: Daniel Müller


NOICE is a photography publication, print shop, and community for artists. This particular publication has an eye for humor, color, and allegory. NOICE features a wide aray of work in which submissions are open to students, amateurs, and professionals.

What is unique about NOICE’s submission guidelines is they accept digital, film, and iPhone pictures — it really widens your creative abilities! All social media submissions are considered for paper publication and become candidates for the Standard Vision bilboard in Los Angelos!

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Left: Kemka, Right: Nicolas Polli

4) Paper Journal

Paper Journal is quoted as an “essential” for all photographers. Contributors of Paper Journal include journalists, photographers, fashion editors, stylists, and industry professionals.

With offices located in Melbourne, London, and New York City, Paper Journal reaches a large following all for the right reasons. Aside from print and digital publications, Paper Journal offers a multitude of exhibitions, talks, and events.

What makes Paper Journal unique amongst other publications is there social media outreach. Get personally close to different artists by reading Paper Journal’s Studio Visits and stay up-to-date on emerging photographers via their Instagram takeovers!


Left: Julien Babigeon, Right: Nikolas Ventourakis

5) Phases Magazine

Phases is an online magazine for all things contemporary photography. Unlike the previously mentioned publications, Phases is strictly visual and host a wide array of projects. With a weekly publishment of three portfolios, Phases’ catalog has well over 1,000 photos to browse.

If you are looking for shooting inspiration, take a look at Phases’ gallery; or if you want to find different artist to follow, check out their ginormous list of photographers.

Phases Magazine really is the publication for the photographer who is not all too interested in reading lengthy articles.

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And that concludes the list! These five photography publications are a great place to start for shooting inspiration, technique help, and community. While the digital age can be tricky for some, these links can prove to be an amazing resource for photographers.

Get reading, get inspired, and get submitting!

